What does home insurance cover in the United States ?


Getting good homeowners insurance in the United States provides the peace of mind that comes with protecting a family investment. But what do these insurances cover?

It is important to know the specific levels of protection offered on the replacement value of the home. The first step, obviously, is to carefully study the offers of the insurance market to decide what, in addition to economy, will provide us with security.

Contents of a home insurance contract in the United States

Home insurance contracts in the United States are varied, depending on the company and the particular conditions that apply.


Offers in the insurance market to know the best coverage

There are many insurance companies in the market willing to convince us to have the best homeowners insurance coverage in the United States.

Acquiring a policy that provides security and peace of mind implies a detailed study of these proposals. It is essential to contract with recognized companies, with clear policies, verifiable experience and ample knowledge of the insurance market.

They must present clear and detailed contracts with coverage, insured sums, indemnities, response time and permanent communication at the time of the claim.

Types of insurance companies

Depending on the risk, coverage and type of home, there are companies adapted to each need, offering policies for:

- Own homes

- Rented homes

- Mobile homes or trailers

Risks covered on the property

The key is to review all aspects and verify the claims that generally affect the structure of the dwelling and that are covered, such as damages due to:

- Weather or climatic phenomena

- Falling trees, airplanes or other objects

- Fire or explosion

- Theft

Coverage Limits

The maximum dollar amount that the insurance company will reimburse in the event of a loss covered by the policy.

Standardized homeowner's policies

There are insurance companies that specifically work with standardized homeowners policies with standard forms that are very similar to each other.

- Broad form policy, which covers only specific and expressly listed perils.

- Special form policy, which assumes coverage of all risks on the dwelling only, unless expressly excluded.

- Broad form plus policy, generally applied to high cost dwelling which covers all perils, covers dwelling structures, personal property and other damage.

- Modified form policy, applied to homes where the cost of reconstruction is above market value in the area.

Additional coverages on property and persons

There are policies that, in addition to the coverage for damages caused to the dwelling as real estate, offer reimbursements for losses derived from the main coverage, such as:

- Coverage to the personal property of the family that is located inside the house at the time of the loss. Generally, these are the goods of daily use such as: furniture, clothes and footwear, household appliances, etc.

- Liability arising from the loss for damages caused to third parties such as neighbors or eventual visitors to the home. Includes damage to neighboring properties.

- Medical expenses to cover eventual medical bills due to an accident of a visitor inside the home.

- Expenses derived from the repair of the home, this coverage includes payment of temporary housing, relocation and food.

What are deductibles?

It is the amount or percentage established in the contract that the insured must pay before the company assumes the insured amount. In some cases, and by prior agreement, the deductible is deducted from the amount of the indemnity.


When dealing with homes, it is convenient to be clear about the coverage of the property inside and outside the home.

In addition, excluded losses should always be clearly identified in the body of the policy, since each contract offers different conditions. In general, the claims are as follows:

- Earthquakes or snowstorms

- Riots, looting or street riots

- Floods

The Federal Emergency Management Agency in the United States offers through the NFIP program the possibility of acquiring special insurance policies designed to cover these incidents.

Supplemental policies

Once we know the exact eventualities that are not covered by the policy we are subscribing, we should consider the possibility of contracting complementary policies.

Depending on the area where the home is located, there is the possibility of the occurrence of more or less frequent phenomena. In these cases, in order to protect our property, the investment of taking out an additional insurance policy or the extension of the existing policy will provide us with security.

Important recommendations when taking out a policy

In addition, to the previous observations, when acquiring a homeowners insurance policy in the United States it is important to take into account:

- To have the emergency contact of the insurance company to report any claim 24 hours a day.

- Always have, outside the home, a copy of the insurance policy subscribed. It. It is indispensable for any consultation on coverage or indemnity or for claims and reports.

- To frequently update the replacement value of the insured property, in order to know if it is within the indemnity limits per loss.

- Generally, damaged property is replaced at the value of new items, up to the indemnity limit of the policy.

- Adapt the policy to your particular interests, i.e., give more coverage to the structure of the property. Or, on the contrary, give priority to the property contained inside the house.

Who to turn to?

Throughout the United States there is an Insurance Commission, which regulates and controls the entire insurance industry.

You can go to the offices of Consumer Protection or in any case to the courts to settle any controversy in this regard.

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